Health and Wellness Services

The Health and Wellness Center is the medical and counseling office for students.

Services Overview

We are located on-campus in the Wegmans School of Nursing building.

As licensed professionals with experience working with university students, the staff at the Health and Wellness Center can help to address a wide variety of medical, mental health, and personal concerns. 

All current students have access to confidential care, appointments, and consultative services. We will do our best to ensure that your needs are met, whether through our providers on campus or referrals to off-campus as needed.

To ensure we are prepared to provide you with the best possible care when visiting the Health and Wellness Center, we use an online patient portal for secure, health-related information and communication. 

For more information or to request an appointment visit the  (login required).


The counseling team at the Health and Wellness Center confidential mental health services and resources to undergraduate and graduate students. 

Counseling services include:

  • Mental health diagnostic assessment
  • Consultation
  • Crisis intervention

Learn more about counseling services, including how to make an appointment and what to expect from your visit.

Medical Excuse Policy

In general, it is the student's responsibility to discuss a missed class with their instructor(s). However, The Health and Wellness Center is able to assist students through the FisherLink system if a medical or mental health issue impedes their ability to attend classes on a long-term basis. 


All counseling and medical records are kept confidential and cannot be released to outside parties without written permission or consent, except as required by law. 

We offer an online release of information form which can be completed electronically. This is located on the under the forms tab.