Annual Very Beary Brunch Goes On, Minus the Bacon

February 12, 2021

On Friday, Feb. 12, members of the Teddi Committee gathered together virtually with members of the Fisher community and the community at large to kick off the countdown to Teddi 39 to benefit Camp Good Days and Special Times.

A Zoom capture of attendees of the virtual Beary Brunch.

And while several commented that it would have been better with Fisher Dining bacon, the Zoom room was full of inspiration, love, and hope.

The program, led by Teddi 39 Chair Emily Trotman and Vice Chair Sam Carson, included sponsor recognition and awards, as well as a preview of the 2021 virtual event.

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and Deputy Mayor James Smith joined together to present the committee with a proclamation, officially naming the week of Feb. 12-Feb. 21 Teddi Week in Monroe County.

President Rooney also offered remarks during the program, commending this year鈥檚 committee for their extraordinary work amid the pandemic.

鈥淵ou have risen to the unique challenges that have been presented to you in this pandemic, and in many ways 鈥 you are leading a first for Fisher. I know how hard you鈥檝e worked, and I know how your creativity will make this one the best on yet,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hank you for the good work that you do every year for Camp Good Days and for the special attention you pay to this piece of the College鈥檚 story.  It鈥檚 a Fisher experience that you will share with literally thousands of alumni who have participated before you, as well as the generations who will follow you.鈥

Founder and CEO of Camp Good Days, Gary Mervis, reflected on the last 39 years of this beloved event and what it has meant to the children of Camp Good Days and to him, personally. Mervis spent 31 years as an assistant coach of Fisher鈥檚 football team, so his connection to the College and to Fisher students runs deep.

He shared memories of running into alumni of the College through the years who comment on their time at Fisher and their time involved with Teddi. And he imparted his own wisdom on the students about making a difference in the world around them.

鈥淭he two best days of our lives are the day we are born and the day we find out why. You are doing God鈥檚 work, and I thank you,鈥 he said.

This year鈥檚 honorary chair is four-time cancer survivor Deanna Dewberry, News10 NBC anchor and consumer investigative reporter, who herself has benefitted from the programs of Camp Good Days. She shared the impact that Camp had on her children and on her after she discovered that Camp also offered a program for women.

鈥淚 was in a dark place. I could not find my way to light,鈥 she said. 鈥淏ut when I arrived at Camp, I walked into the cafeteria and met women who were engaged in lots of happy chatter. I didn鈥檛 think I could do it, but I started to share my story. I felt heard, seen, and supported. It was so incredible, so beautiful, so uplifting - I found my light. That鈥檚 the magic of Camp Good Days.鈥

At the end of the program, the committee presented the 2021 Lou Buttino Faculty and Staff Award to Andrea Maccarone and the Fisher Dining Staff.

There is still time to register for Teddi 39, which already has 300 dancers planning to attend virtually. Visit to register or to make a donation. Follow @teddidance4love on social media throughout the event Feb. 19-20.