Computer Science Success Stories

The value of a Fisher education is evident in personal stories of success told by students and alumni. Read what they have to say about the program and what they gained from their experience.

Mark Valeriani '21

TLDP Cloud DevOps Engineer at Johnson & Johnson

Mark Valeriani

Mark Valeriani

Mark Valeriani initially discovered his passion for computer science through his father who worked at a telecommunications company. Valeriani was fascinated by technology and wanted to use it to improve as many lives as possible through his work.

At Fisher, he was continually challenged to innovate and grow. 鈥淭he program at Fisher gave me the ability to adapt quickly and learn fast.鈥 Through Fisher connections, Valeriani was able to participate in an internship with Johnson & Johnson during his junior year, when he believed he forged his purpose with his career. 鈥淎t that point, I saw how my life goal of helping others through technology could be achieved.鈥

Valeriani feels Fisher developed his professional versatility and programming skills. 鈥淚 think the most important course is programming languages, which gives you the knowledge and best practices to learn new languages quickly, helping you understand not only the syntax but the semantics of the language you are using.鈥

Now, he recommends the computer science program to prospective students with an interest in the ever-growing field of technology. 鈥淚f you want to understand how the technology in your favorite industry works, how to enhance it, and to participate in the next revolution in our world, the computer science program at Fisher is the best way to kickstart your path to a technology position!鈥