Pillar 4: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÍøÖ·´óÈ« Fisher University will cultivate an equitable, inclusive learning and working environment that attracts, retains, and supports a diverse community of lifelong learners to positively impact today’s complex, global world.

Students speak at the Inclusion Dinner.

Goal 4.1

Infuse Principles of Equity and Inclusion into the Campus Community

Demonstrate our renewed commitment to an inclusive campus through programming and other investments.

  • Apply an equity lens to program reviews to assure fairness and inclusion of diverse materials in the University curriculum.
  • Increase visibility, coordination, and cross-promotion of diversity and equity initiatives, linking them to curriculum and assessing their effectiveness.

Goal 4.2

Create a More Diverse Community through Recruitment and Retention Efforts

Develop a more diverse and inclusive campus community through recruitment and retention efforts of students, faculty, and staff.

  • Review current recruitment and retention practices with regard to diversity to establish benchmarks that reflect the composition of the population of Monroe County.
  • Apply an equity lens to institutional messaging to assess possible impact on diverse populations.

Goal 4.3

Develop Cultural Competency Skill Sets

Dancers perform in colorful attire as part of Spirit of Identity Week.

Expand training opportunities for the entire campus community to interact more effectively across a range of cultural backgrounds.

  • Introduce and/or expand existing diversity and cultural competency programming based on assessment of the University’s needs and enlist outside expertise for training.
  • Expand and support existing opportunities for faculty and staff development and cross-promote diversity efforts between academic and co-curricular offices.